Wednesday 29th July 2009

Managed to get up!

We was scheduled to be flying at 0800 but the weather reports said that it looked like it was going to be bad weather during the early morning/afternoon. We had to pick the aircraft up from the maintenance company as it was having its 150 hour check. After going though the entire checklist checking the outside of the aircraft for spanners we checked the fuel for water etc etc and got in, powered the electrics up placed the key into the aircraft turned it... not a lot happened, the battery was flat had to get the maintenance guys out so we could be "jump started" finally got the aircraft started up and I made my first radio call... "G-BYEA request taxi to Alouette" we taxied back to the club and had a look at what the weather was doing and decided it looks good to go we called up again got permission to taxi out to the runway which we did as well as doing power checks on the way out etc. Once at the hold we got cleared for take off which we did we got up quite well the wind was blowing right down the runway!!.... getting airborne we routed to sevenoaks and then routed out of populated areas to do some training. I was amazed to find us experiencing rain one moment then sun then back to rain we could see that London was having rubbish weather but the south cost was in amazing sun! We got to our training area and started looking at what the effects of the controls did, we first did a roll to the right using rudder and aileron we made a nice turn right we did the same to the left we then try ed the same but with out using rudder to find out what that did we ended up in a spiral dive loosing height very quickly! Once had practiced this a number of times Bruno said that he would mess up the aircraft and I had to correct it we did about 5 of these then we did something I was not expecting the throttle was put to the max and we got our airspeed right up Bruno then pulled the nose straight up to about 20-40 degrees nose up (happened very fast) and told me to correct it on pushing the nose down and feeling "G" change we noticed that Biggin was captued in bad weather so practiced more turns before returning back to Biggin Hill!

All in all was good fun we was going to go up again but weather would not let us!

Next lesson: Today!


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