Hour 1

We went out and did a walk around of the aircraft, we looked at the flight controls this is all stuff which I knew about from stuff I had done with scouts. We then got into the aircraft! This was interesting I managed to find a comfortable position to fly in and it was time to do the checks. We primed the engine and set the mixture up, he then asked me to start the engine by turning the key around to start which engaged the starter and the aircraft sprung into life. We checked out the ATIS and called up for taxi "G-BOTI- Taxi holding point A1 runway 21" he gave me permission to taxi the aircraft so I taxied the aircraft out onto A. We got to the engine run-up area where we did our power checks all went well! Taxied back onto A and continued around to A1, we got cleared for take off I lined the aircraft up on the runway and applied full power coming past 60 kts I pulled the yoke very slowly back and like magic! We lifted into the air climbing at about 600 feet per minute we flew in a straight line so we avoided Biggin Hill village, 2 miles later I got told by Bruno to start a left turn we flew out towards the Dartford Bridge then flew over the river and around the London City control zone - Was amazing! We then had a look at turning the aircraft and making the aircraft fly slow and fast clime and descend. By then it had been 45 minutes so we returned back to Biggin Hill making a left base for runway 21 Touched down and back to the club!

Next lesson - Wednesday 1300 Local



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