Flying Eugeniu

Well yesterday I did not get to finish the blog about the day so here is part 2:

The next part of the day involved me going up with a student who had just passed there PPL of course Bruno came along too! We decided we would head to Bewl Water and back, I watched Eugeniu do the pre flight which was very interesting and I learnt a lot we then got into the aircraft and went though all the pre flight checks and got sat in the a/c. We managed to do the run up checks on the C hold (were we are meant to) then we taxied down to hold A1 runway 21, rolled down the runway made the left hand turn out after 2 miles and started flying towards Sevenoaks which was good fun! The flight there and back was very enjoyable and allowed me to learn the ATC "speak" and just get an idea of what was going on we passed over an a/c again I thought he was rather close! As well as a Helli we thought they both must have been going low to keep out of gatwicks control zone as they come into land at Redhill!

All in all... good fun!

Next Lesson: Tuesday


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