Books and stuff!

Well I got my package today! It was all my flying books and stuff it came to £200! Included in the pack was.......

*Flight Computer>> Not like the one you are currently on ;) its a physical plastic complicated thing which I have no idea how to read
* 7 Flight Manuals - Some are 400 pages long!
*PPL Confuser - Has lots and lots of past papers
*Pooleys Flight Guide Book - Lists every single airport in the UK provides charts and stuff
*Log Book - For keeping track of flights I have one all ready so will use this as a back up one :D
*Chart - Huge map of my area
*Protractor - Come on you did GCSE maths :p
*Ruler - *obs*

So today I have been reading book 2 - Air Law.... book 1 covers the theory behind the practical flying.

Oh my lesson for today (wed) got cancelled the winds are well out of the a/c limits - again!

Next lesson - Next Tuesday!



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