18/8/09 - Flight 1

I have missed out a few flights on the blog sorry guys just been very busy! Anyway so far I have done around 7 hours! Today we would fly 2 hours needed to catch up on the flight time that I missed last week because of the bad weather!

Taxied out to the runway finally managing to keep to the yellow lines took off and started the flight out towards Sevenoaks then on to Southend so that we could do slow flight around the marsh areas where there is little population!

We did lots of slow flight bringing the speed back and discovering that this made the aircraft feel quite unstable the controls felt very loose and lots more input had to be apply ed for them to be effective good fun! Sun was blasting to the cabin was getting hot!

We then started to head back when we was 3NM deadside when a "MAYDAY" call came in over the radio I wont go into what happened etc there is a news report here. After that all got sorted out we started to join to land flying over the numbers, X wind, down wind , base, final starting to learn what the local areas look like and reference points to turn onto the final leg.

Touch down was quite smooth this time! The last lesson had been very bumpy!!

Next Lesson: Few hours


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